Introducing a new focus on event sustainability at WPP Commerce 2020
Reimagining the Wall Street Journal’s exclusive CEO engagement experience
Live Events, Case StudiesCarlos RamirezLive Event, B2B Marketing, Conference, CEO, Wall Street Journal, High level, C-suite, Experience, B2B, NA
Showing the Value of Experience with Sevillian Mocktail
Case Studies, Brand ActivationsCarlos RamirezLive Event, B2B Marketing, Conference, CEO, Wall Street Journal, Experience, Consumer Marketing, Consumer Engagement, Brand Activation, Pop-up, Google, B2B, B2C, NA, EMEA, Festive
Making Google part of the conversation at the Cannes Lions
Launching Google Chrome offline
Live Events, Case StudiesCarlos RamirezLive Event, Product Launch, Digital Production, Experiential Campaign, Google, B2C, EMEA, Tech, Festive